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Through and Through MBA degree, Walla Walla College degree!

Walla Walla College degree

Walla Walla College was founded in 1882, is a private liberal arts college in the United States, the school is located in Washington state of the pull, pull, existing students about more than 1500 people. Walla Walla College has three campuses, the campus beautiful environment, with streams, trees, such as outdoor sculpture, 75% of the students in the school lodging, ZhuSuLou eight cities, including two is the beginning of the 20th century building, there are a few is neoclassicism style building;There are 11 "fun home" is the Victoria style and classical style of students' dormitory.Students in the college can find balance in their studies and build relationships, students proved that the college graduation rate (91%) the value of the concept of balance, and obtain the master degree students a lot. The school offers undergraduate education, set up professional include engineering and computer science, oceanography, biology, geology, forest and environment management, law, education, art, anthropology, Asian studies, astronomy, chemistry, classical music, English studies, music, economy, Germany, French, math, physics, psychology, religion, drama, Spanish, MBA degree, political, racial and ethnic studies, sociology, etc.

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