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How about the Birkbeck college degree in the UK and MBA degree

Birkbeck college degree

Birkbeck College, University Of London, is a public research University located in the centre Of the British capital London, for the composition Of federalism, University Of London institute, one Of the members Of the group and 1994 University.Mr Baker institute mainly adult education, continuing education and a master degree, teaching level is extremely harsh, Fail rate is as high as the UK second. Mr Baker is a highly focused research institute, school of 40 consists of 27 research institute and the given point, Dr Produced four Nobel Prize winners, 90% of staff are responsible for the scientific research work. College has a long tradition of leftist ideology, has trained including ramsay MacDonald, Britain's first prime minister of Labour; School of law graduates Sidney James Webb launched the London school of economics in 1895. World proletarian great mentor, "das kapital", and the "communist manifesto" author Karl Marx also taught at the school, then Mr Baker institute, professor of economics at Thomas Hodgskin presented in the lecture of workers to create the value of exploitation by employers view influenced generations of socialist, Marx is based on the established labor value theory.Baker institute at the university of London and the UK's top that in the teaching and academic level and world class reputation, "baker in 2013 college graduates have on 29432 pounds (about 310000 yuan), especially the MBA degree students, at the top of the first UK university.

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