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Capilano University degree

Capilano University was founded in 1968, formerly known as Capilano College, in 2008 BC provincial government formally announced its upgraded to a University. Capilano University is located in north vancouver, distance is only 20 minutes' drive from vancouver. Capilano University has three campuses, main campus is located in the north of wen halfway up the hill, around the shade around, the scenery pleasant, the other two campus located in the north of Squamish and Sunshine group. BC's three campuses where are popular tourist areas. Capilano University currently a total of full time students 7200 people, the school can provide 4 master degree courses, more than 80 kinds of certificate courses.
School characteristics:
The BC provincial higher education under the jurisdiction of 15 can be obtained from degree of one of the colleges and universities;
The drafting of the Canadian university credit transfer agreement and contract was one of the school.
Canada's foreign and designated foreign trade personnel training institute of the ministry of foreign trade;
China's national one designated overseas training base and buy diploma;
The Canadian international development agency (CIDA) overseas education aid project main execution unit;
Graduates in nearly five years of the average employment rate of 96%, 81% with specialty, BC employment rate is the highest of colleges and universities;
Transfer acceptance ratio of each professional BC mohe, according to statistics, nearly all ranked first in the schools.

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